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Bayelsa Government Moves to Harness Gas Potentials, end Flaring

*Sets up a Committee on Gas Utilization

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – As part of his administration’s determination to fully industralize ‎Bayelsa State and make it a hub for economic activities, Governor Seriake Dickson has inaugurated a committee for the utilization and non-utilization of gas resources.

The committee has renowned gas expert, Dr. Patrick Ndiomu as chairman, Olice Kemenanabo as secretary, Patience Ranami Abah, member, Tam Alazigha, member and Cyril Akika as member.

Other members include, Braboke Stanley, Warebibo Soroh, ‎Ken Etete, Felix Bonny Ayah and Esau Andrew.

Inaugurating ‎the committee at the Government House in Yenagoa, Dickson said it is time for the state to maximize its gas potentials, attract investors to that sector and further boost the state’s revenue.

He therefore charged members of the committee to work on 8 terms of reference which includes, to design a master plan, identify all gas flare points, highlight companies responsible for gas flaring, highlight gas flare points that has been on, highlight opportunities and potentials for investors to key into in the sector, amongst others.

“As you all know this state has more gas resources, more gas reserves than any other state in this country. This is not just the headquarters of oil, this is also the headquarters of gas itself.

“So what we‎ have decided to do as a government is to see how we can get our own successful business people and others who are knowledgeable in that field to come up with a blueprint that the government will be guided by” he said.

The governor maintained that Bayelsa is the destination for every investor that is interested in gas related business and urged the committee to put in place all the necessary framework to achieve the mandate, especially how to turn gas resources to power in the planned industrial park in the state.

Dickson pointed out that the future of Nigeria’s economy ‎lies more on gas than crude oil and also

decried the continuous flaring of gas in the state, which he observed has been very hazardous to the people and sounded it loud and clear that the time has come to put an end to it.

‎Responding on behalf of the committee, the chairman, Dr. Patrick Ndiomu described their appointment as a great opportunity to serve and thanked the governor for the trust he bestowed on them.

He promised to produce great results in a record time and demonstrate the commitment and desire of the committee to reward the‎ governor’s action and vision for the gas sector in the state.



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