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DSS Feeds Igboho’s Aides With ‘Engine Oil’ Soup –Lawyer

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Officers of the Department of State Services have been feeding the 12 aides of the Yoruba Nation agitator, Sunday Adeyemo, aka Sunday Igboho, with a soup known as “engine oil”, counsel for the detained persons, Pelumi Olajengbesi, has alleged.

The lawyer, who said he was at the DSS headquarters in Abuja on Friday after over four weeks of not being allowed to meet with his clients, said the detained persons began purging after eating the soup with fufu or eba.

Efforts to get the reaction of the DSS spokesman, Peter Afunaya, on the allegation by the lawyer proved abortive as he neither took calls put across to his line by one of our correspondents nor replied to a text message sent to his phone as of the time of filing this report.

In his update sent on Friday, Olajengbesi said he and two other members of the legal team met with four of the 12 detained persons on Friday.

He said, “It is important to state that their current situation is a classical definition of wholesome human rights abuse. Their health is sadly poor and in a sorry situation.

“They are made to sleep on the bare floor and are badly beaten before medical treatment is accorded them to heal and conceal injuries from the torture.

“Lady K, in particular, seems to have sustained fracture on her left leg and is in serious pains. She has not had a change of clothes and folds herself to sleep in the terrible cell.

Some of them have high blood pressure as confirmed by the DSS clinic. They are fed with a liquid they call ‘engine oil’ as soup for their food. Their normal routine is to eat and resume the toilet where they purge for long.

“Suffice to say, they’re being treated badly and worse than animals, but we did our best in assuring and keeping them upbeat and in high spirits before making our exit.”(PUNCH)


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