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Hungary Plans Scholarship offers for Nigerians

By Eric Ojo, Abuja

The government of Hungary has pledged to offer Nigerians scholarship opportunities in the area of education in order to further deepen the relationship between Nigeria and Hungary.

The Hungarian government said it is willing and capable of establishing a very robust and mutually beneficial relationship with Nigeria through the promotion of exchange programmes between the two countries.

Ambassador of Hungary to Nigeria the Hung Prof. Dr Gabor Ternak who made the pledge when the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), Most Rev Ignatius Ayau Kaigama, paid him a courtesy visit in his office, urged  the Catholic in Nigeria to begin an open and mutual relationship with the Hungarian Embassy in Nigeria.

Prof. Termak said such a relationship will include an exchange programme where Hungary would be able to offer scholarship to Nigerians in the area of education.

“This is an important way we think we can make our contribution to cement an open relationship with the Catholic Church in Nigeria, he said.

The envoy also expressed his readiness to also build a good relationship with the Catholic Church which would also include his personal contribution as a Medical Doctor to support the VERITAS University Abuja.

“I am a Medical Doctor by profession and also a Professor. I can help you to start a medical faculty in your catholic university. In all, there is therefore the need to articulate our discussion in a formal way so that we begin the process”, he added.

In his response, Most Rev Ignatius Ayau Kaigama, said he was pleased with the Ambassador’s proposal regarding the scholarship offers, adding that education is a powerful way of cementing a relationship.

He however pointed out that the relationship and cooperation with the Hungarian government will equally be very handy in addressing some on-going efforts geared towards conflict resolution and peace building in some parts of Nigeria.

In his words, “We think that there are also other areas where your assistance will be needed to support the Institute of Dialogue, Peace and Reconciliation which we started in Jos, to tame the tide of political and religious conflicts in the Northern part of Nigeria”.

The CBCN President said his visit to the Hungary Embassy in Abuja together with his team made up of Most, Rev Alaba Job, the Emeritus Archbishop of Ibadan and former CBCN President, the Secretary General of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN), Rev Fr Ralph Madu, and the Director of Communications at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN), Rev. Fr, Chris Anyanwu, was is about friendship.

“It is basically to reciprocate the gestures made in October last Year when the Deputy Prime Minster of Hungary, Zsolt Semjén – KDNP, visited us at the Pope John Centre, Abuja during his official trip to Nigeria.

“That visit was a demonstration of concern. If our country is making progress, it is because we have friends. If we are making efforts to overcome our difficulties and challenges as a country, it is also because we have friends who are ready to identify with us in our problems”, he further stated.



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