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I Never Sided With Any Party, Justice Bulkachuwa Refutes Husband’s Claim

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Former president of the court of appeal, Zainab Bulkachuwa, has refuted the claim that she compromised her office on partisan grounds.
Bulkachuwa was reacting to recent comments made by her husband, Adamu Bulkachuwa.

Bulkachuwa, while speaking at the 9th senate valedictory session on June 10, stated that he often used the influence of his wife to manipulate court judgment in favour of some of his colleague lawmakers

 “And she has been very tolerant and accepted my encroachment and extended her help to my colleagues,” the former senator said.

However, in a statement issued on Sunday, the retired judge stated that she never compromised her oath of office in 40 years in service and her decisions were always premised on facts.

“My attention has been drawn to the trending video of what was said by my husband Senator Adamu M. Bulkachuwa,” the statement reads.

“I want to state categorically that I never at any time compromised my oath of office to favour any party who appeared before me throughout my judicial career spanning 40 years of service to my country.

“My decisions were always based on the facts, the law and in accordance with my conscience and oath of office.” 

She added that former “justices of the court can attest to the fact that I never interfered with the independence of any of the justices of the court in the discharge of their judicial functions”.


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