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Kidnapped Widow Regains Freedom In Kogi – Police

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – A widow, Mrs Sefi Jimoh, kidnapped by four days ago has been released.

The Kogi Commissioner of Police, Edward Egbuka, confirmed the window’s release in Lokoja on Wednesday.

The mother of four, was abducted while waiting for a commercial motorcycle, “Okada” a morning Prayer session at the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Church in Lokoja metropolis.

Jimoh works with the state government as an Environmental Officer, and the bread winner of the family, having lost her husband some years ago.

The commissioner of Police commended the officers’ and men for putting pressure on the kidnappers.

Her, kidnappers, had on Sunday called her family and demanded for N10 million ransom to secure her release.

Egbuka said, “No ransom was paid as the window was released by her abductors when they knew that the police were closing up on them.

“This is because immediately the report of her abduction got to us, I immediately ordered for a man hunt for her captors and it indeed paid off.

“The widow, who is hale and hearty, has been united with her family, who were so worried over her safety,” Egbuka said.

Also, a reliable family source who confirmed Jimoh’s release in the evening of Tuesday by her abductors, said: ”we are so grateful to the Almighty God for the safe return of our sister and wife”.


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=76992

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