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NFVCB, CAPPA Canvass Smoke Free Movies In Nollywood

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – The National Film and Video Censors Board NFVCB and a non governmental organisation, Corporate Accountabilities and Public Participation Africa(CAPPA) have harped on the need to reverse the role movies and music videos play in painting smoking and tobacco use as a cool way of life,  saying it has done more harm than good in the  NollyWood industry.

Speaking during a national Stakeholders engagement on Smokefree NollyWood industry, in Enugu’ Tuesday, Director General of NFVCB, Dr. Shaibu  Huseeini, said the federal government through his office under the Ministry of Arts, Culture,  and Creative Economy is doing everything within it’s powers to ensure that the NollyWood industry operates in line with global best practices.

He however, urged the industry not to see the regulatory agency as enemy, but as partner,  committed in doing things right for the interest of the citizens and country.

The DG,  appealed to the practitioners to always be responsive in creating content, stressing that resisting government regulatory actions was not in the best interest of the industry.

In his remark, Executive Director of CAPPA, Akinbode Oluwafemi, insisted that “we are at a point that we must stop the globalisation of smoking and instead promote healthy lifestyle.

According to him, Nollywood has a role to play in ensuring that the glowing concerns of non-communicable in Nigeria is addressed.

He said: “With the power to tell the Nigerian story , shape our future and build a society that is genuinely productive, Nollywood has a role to play in ensuring that the glowing concerns of non-communicable in Nigeria is addressed.

“We are at a point that we must stop the globalisation of smoking and instead promote healthy lifestyle. There is need to reverse the role movies and music videos play in painting smoking and tobacco use as a cool way of life” he stated.

Oluwafemi,  hinted that studies have shown that smoking remains prevalent of smoking in Nigerian Movies in contravention of the NTC-Act and the tobacco Control Regulations 2019 which explicitly prohibits tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorships in movies and entertainment..

Oluwefemi  added that there is clear provision for “warnings that should accompany any tobacco depiction that there is necessary for historical accuracy and artistic expression.”

The CAPPA leader applauded the Executive Director of the National Film and Video Censors Board for taking the bold step to dialogue with stakeholders in the industry towards a  Nigerian screen free of unhealthy promotion of smoking tobacco.

He explained that “”This conference aims to unite a diverse group of stakeholders, including filmmakers, producers, scriptwriters, and directors, to address and discuss the critical issue of smoking depiction in Nollywood films.

“The primary objective of the engagement is to Provide in-depth information on the health risks and societal impacts of smoking, backed by research and expert opinions Encourage collaboration among filmmakers to develop creative content that discourages smoking and promotes positive health messages.

It is also aimed at establishing industry guidelines and best practices for the depiction of smoking in film Advocate for policy changes and the implementation of stricter regulations regarding smoking in movies by the NFVCB.

Our Correspondent reports that Key Stakeholders in Nollywood industry from various parts of the country attended the event.


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=95893

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