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NGO Seeks Media Partnership In Providing Enabling Space For Women Visibility In Politics

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – A non- governmental organization (NGO), Women Empowerment Education and Peace Building Initiative (WEPBI) has urged the Nigerian media to assist in providing enabling atmosphere to improve visibility of women in politics.

It noted that women had over the years not been given the desired space in the media to showcase their potentials, unlike their men folk.

Speaking yesterday in Enugu during a one day workshop organized by the NGO, for media practitioners in the state,

Executive Director/ Founder of WEPBI, Oguadimma Ijeoma Joy, explained that the programme was put together with a view to identifying how the media establishments and the practitioners could support women in growing their political career.

The WEPBI boss, added that the hallmark of the initiative which attracted over thirty Journalists from the print, Electronic and new media is to create an interface and a bridge between women who are already in politics, the intending ones and the media organizations.

She however, enjoined media establishments to always provide opportunities for women in politics to participate in their political programmes, as a way of promoting Women participation in the game which has always been dominated by men.

According to her, over the years, Women politicians have not been given the expected opportunities in the media space, appealing to the media Managers to endeavour to change such narrative.

She further stressed the need for the media to always understand the need to ensure more women get involved in politics; as it will boost their chances of featuring them in their respective programmes.

In their separate comments, and remarks, some of the participating Journalists, particularly those from the electronic outfits had assured the NGO of their readiness in changing the narrative.

They therefore, drew up action plan as a commitment geared towards supporting Women in politics.

In a presentation, Veteran Journalist, and Executive Director of a Non- governmental organization, (NGO), Winet Information Network (WINET), Mrs Miriam Menkiti, also harped on the need for media houses in the country to always support women in politics via their respective platforms.

She had in her paper entitled: “Female Politicians and their Challenges” traced most of the difficulties confronting women in politics to include cultural impediment, financial muscle to compete with the men folk as well as violence.

However, after a group discussion , journalists at the workshop resolved to henceforth give women in politics all the necessary media support they deserve.

They promised to create special programs for women in their respective media organizations, invite more women in Political programs as well as provide enabling environment for them to air their opinions on issues.


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=75298

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