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Nigerian Relationship Therapist, Buchi Comes Under Criticism After Complimenting Fiancé

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – Nigerian relationship therapist and self-acclaimed feminist, Solomon Buchi, has come under criticism after complimenting his fiancé, Arike.

African Examiner recalls that Solomon Buchi recently got engaged to his lover who hails from Ondo state.

However, trouble started for him after he uploaded pictures of his girlfriend on Facebook saying that he loves her even if she is not “the most beautiful or most intelligent woman”.

Buchi said: “You’re not the most beautiful woman; neither are you the most intelligent woman, but like I’ve chosen to never find perfection in anyone else. I put my gaze on you, and with that commitment, we would mold ourselves for ourselves. Our perfection is in our commitment.

“Stating that you’re not the most beautiful/intelligent might sound like it’s not a compliment, yeah? But it’s a realistic base for real love. Acknowledging that my woman isn’t the best, but I’m not looking for the best. I was looking for you and I found you. There’s no best, there is just someone you choose and see the best in them. This to me is the real love. Not the one that consoles itself in the faux reality that their partner is the most good looking, most intelligent, most successful person in the world. That’s disingenuous and doesn’t give room for love to thrive.

“I love you, ayanfe. I’m committed to you. I miss you so much!!! But my love for you is stronger than distance. @arikeadeola.o.”

This development sparked uproar as some netizens took to their social media accounts to slam the writer concerning his choice of words. African Examiner captures some of their thoughts below:

Kiki Wolf writes: “This right here is an example of narcissistic gas lighting. Belittling her while making it seem like he’s uplifting her. By the way out of the both of y’all she’s winning in the looks department. As a mental and behavioral health specialist she should leave.

Zaynab Rodriguez De Jesus writes: “He’s nagging her because he knows she’s out of his league.”

Mercy Nnamdi writes: “This is so cringe worthy and you just succeeded in humiliating her. Meanwhile she’s a 10. Your woman should be the most beautiful person in your eyes despite her flaws and imperfections. Your writeup shows you’re just managing or settling for her until.”

Alanya Kolberg writes: “This is rude, humiliating and completely unnecessary to publicly state. You don’t sound deep or intellectual. You sound like a man who should be alone. This woman is gorgeous and I hope she finds somebody who will tell her so.”

Lynn Ivy-DeCarlis writes: “This woman is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. She’s gorgeous.”

Sydne Tillman writes: “Not you saying this looking the way you look.”

Cassie Lynn writes: “This would be the last time my man saw me if that’s how he chose to show me off. Posts like these are condescending and hurtful. She deserves so much more. Girl, get OUT and get you a man who actually appreciates, values, and loves you.”

Sha Lynn writes: “This gorgeous woman… THIS absolutely stunning beautiful woman. And you? You say this on Beyoncés Internet proudly with no shame?”

Bianca Scott writes: “This is the dustiest hat and message I have ever seen. Much like his beard the sentiment simply doesn’t connect. Then the nicca got the nerve to have on bifocals and a Gordon Gartrell.”

Shi Hayes writes: “I hope she uses this backhanded complimentary post as a means to find someone who would never think about her or write about her in such a way – especially for the world to see.”


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=79165

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