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Secessionists Are Wasting Their Time — Olumba Olumba Obu

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) –  Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS), a Christian religious organisation, has said that separatists agitating for secession are wasting their time, assuring that “Nigeria will remain one united nation.

This was disclosed in Lagos  during the visit of  Bishop of Lagos, Jude Uwaezuoke.

African Examiner reports that the visit was part of annual weeklong commemoration of the organisation’s Feast of Divine Manifestation.

Uwaezuoke said the prophecies of its leader, Olumba Olumba Obu, had assured that “agitators were wasting their time because Nigeria will not break up”.

“When you are talking about this division, our leader said those agitating are wasting their time.

“He said that he has arrested all those causing confusion, kidnapping and other crimes.

“He said he has arrested all. It is not a revelation, it is an order. He made the pronouncements early this year,” the BCS Bishop said.

“Our advice for the nation and for the leaders is that Nigerian leaders need to submit themselves and key into God’s divine plan, do away with greed and personal interest,” he said.

He said God’s plan would help the nation’s leadership to become servant leaders.


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