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Sit-At-Home: Group Applauds Mbah, Condemns Inciting Views  By Some Stakeholders 

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – As citizens of Enugu state continue to throw their weight behind the state government’s ban on the unlawful Monday sit-at-home, the national leadership of a famous group, Coalition for Justice, Equity and Good governance, has applauded governor Peter Mbah for the courageous act, saying no responsible government will fold it’s arms and watch such calamity befall her citizens.

It noted that the said Illegal Sit at home order by the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB, has done serious harm to the economies of states in South East Nigeria, Enugu inclusive.

Our correspondent reports that the group stated this in a Communique it  made available to Newsmen in Enugu on Tuesday, after the extensive emergency meeting of the national body held in Enugu Monday.

The communique was signed on behalf of the body by Barr. Peter Aja, Chief  Emeka Nnolim, Engr. Okey Eneokwe, Engr. Armstrong I. Nwankwo and Oscar Ugwuoke (PhD).

“After an extensive emergency meeting by the National body of the Coalition for  Justice, Equity and Good governance on the aftermath of the enforcement of the ban  on the Monday sit-at-home in Enugu State by Enugu State Government held on July  31st, 2023, it was resolved as follows:

“The Coalition for Justice, equity and good governance deeply sympathized with victims of the avoidable incident of 25th July, 2023 at Ogbete Main Market, Enugu.

It said “the Coalition is concerned by some inciting views and comments made by  some individuals over the sealing of some shops in order to compel compliance to the order of the state government banning the illegal sit-at-home in Enugu State.

The state government has no legal right to seal those shops, other Inciting comments by such individuals are, ” that Government’s approach is anti-people and confrontational.”

“That the incumbent administration never issued the order to sit-at-home  and so can’t cancel it” insisting that such comments were counter productive.

According to the body, “It is therefore instructive to note that the sit-at-home order which originated  on 9th August, 2021 by the Indigenous People of Biafra was to protest the  illegal rendition and detention of her leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

“This order has since been canceled and repeatedly emphasized by the  leadership of IPOB. The current sit-at-home order was made by a criminal named Simon Ekpa who resides in far-away Finland.

The group noted  that “on 1st June, 2023, His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Enugu State in exercising his constitutional role, declared an end to the sit-at-home in Enugu  State, effective from 5th June, 2023.

“This declaration was made after consultations, town hall meetings, with critical stakeholders and in line with the recommendation of the transition  committee “to ensure the restoration of five (5) days working week in Enugu  State within his first one hundred days in office.

“Sit-at-home has done great damage to the economy of Enugu State; properties  worth billions of naira lost; led to the loss of many lives; scared investors from Enugu State and led to businesses relocating out of Enugu in their numbers no responsible government will fold her arms and watch such calamity befall her citizens.

“By virtue of the provisions of relevant laws, the right and use of land and  buildings, which include shops, are subject to the regulatory and supervisory  roles of the governor of the state. 

“The governor therefore has the legal right  to seal or unseal a building or shop within the state which includes Ogbete  Main Market, in furtherance of governor’s power to govern.

“Shop owners and allottees who feel that the government has overreached its powers, are free to seek redress appropriately.

“The forceful reopening or removal of the seal with the toga of authority of the State government is in itself confrontational, it’s an affront and a call for  dispute with the constituted authority which cannot be condoned in any  civilized society.

“The meeting of the Coalition urges His Excellency, the Executive Governor  of Enugu State, Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah not to relent in his effort to restore  the glory, industry and entrepreneurial spirit for which the Igbos are known in Enugu state.

“The coalition further enjoins all residents of Enugu to continue to support His  Excellency Bar. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah in his efforts to restore sanity in the state.

 “To interface with all the security agencies dispatched to protect the state  and residents to go about their businesses secure in the knowledge that Enugu state is safe.



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