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Traditional Rulers Welcome Reps Move To Create Constitutional Roles For Monarchs

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) – A group of traditional rulers under the plartform  of the Association Of Traditional Leaders For Security, Peace And National Integration, has reacted to the move by the House of Representatives to create constitutional roles for monarchs in the country.

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, had at the weekend, said that the Green Chamber would work to ensure that traditional rulers have constitutional roles.

He spoke during his visit to the palace of the Emir of Zazzau, Nuhu Bamalli.

In a statement signed by the National President of the Association, Eze-Igwe William Ezugwu, the traditional rulers described the move as a welcome development, saying that “traditional rulers have key to engendering peace and tackling security challenges in their various domains if integrated into the security and governance architecture of the country.

“Certainly, if the move is actualised, it will be a legacy achievement of the 10th National Assembly that will ensure that the needed peace that have eluded the country will be a thing of the past in no distant time after.

“For a long time, traditional rulers have been agitating for constitutional inclusion in the running the country.

“Traditional rulers across the country are willing to make useful inputs into the proposed legislation at any point of its drafting if invited to do so”, the statement concluded.


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