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70% Crashes Caused By Speeding, Night Travels – FRSC

(AFRICAN EXAMINER) –  The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Sector Command said 70 per cent of crashes recorded between January and September were caused by speeding and night travels.

The Sector Commander, Mr Samuel Ochi, said this during the commencement of the Ember Months campaign on Thursday in Abuja.

African Examiner reports that the theme of the campaign is: “Maintain Safe Speed, Avoid Night Travels and Enjoy Quality Road Experience.”

Ochi said the critical infractions responsible for crashes are speeding, night travels and overloading, adding that over speeding contributed to 70 per cent of crashes recorded within the period.

“We also noticed that 70 per cent of the fatal crashes that happened in the FCT between January and September happened in the night. This will be adequately tackled during the ember months campaign.

“There will be massive enforcement on all overloaded vehicles, over speeding, use of phones while driving, one way users and others critical to us in the FCT.

“It will be all encompassing to ensure we recorded zero fatality during these ember months,” he said.

The sector commander expressed dissatisfaction with the sale of illicit drugs at the motor parks, saying they met with relevant stakeholders and transport unions to address same.

“We took it up with the transport unions as we noticed that those that sell alcohol have started creeping back to the motor parks.

“Working with the relevant agencies will help us to tackle this problem. Part of our campaign is that the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency will be addressing us and will partner with us to tackle the challenges,” he said.

Head of Operations, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Mr Justin Uwazuruonye, said the agency would synergise with the FRSC to rescue victims of road traffic crashes during the ember months and ensure safety at all cost.

African Examiner reports that Special Marshals, National Youths Service Corps members, NEMA, thespians and other dignitaries were present during the inauguration of the  campaign.


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