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Jonathan Leads Buhari In Election Survey -Group

Ayodele Afolabi, Abuja – A group under the aegis of Coalition for Democracy and Credible Election (CODECE) has predicted that President Goodluck Jonathan and Peoples Democratic Party candidate will win the Saturday presidential election by a cumulative margin of 61.03 percent as against the 38. 95 percent ascribed to General Mohammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress.

CODECE stated this at a press briefing in Abuja on Tuesday when it release the reports of its Presidential Election National Survey.

The coalition said that in arriving at the statistics, it engaged a team of experts and that its reports was not based on preference for any political party.

The cumulative statistical survey for the North West showed that the APC candidate led by 56.86 percent while Jonathan trailed by 43.14 percent.

However in the South West zone, the survey favoured Jonathan with 55.83 percent why Buhari got 44.17 percent.

The North East report showed that APC candidate led by 51.67 percent while the PDP candidate got 48.33 percent.

On the other hand, Janathan made an impressive showing in the South East and South South where he got 84.00 percent and 80.17 percent resectively as against APC’s 16.00 percent and 19.83 percent respectively.

In the North Central CODECE said Jonathan is expected to poll and average of 60.50 percent while Buhari will trail him by 39.5 percent.

On the method used, the leader of the poll researchers, Dr Yomi Oke, a lecturer at the University of Lagos said that the best globally recognised method was adopted including sampling and certification methods.



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