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Renowned African Activist Ngemi Canvasses support for promotion of Pan African vision

By Eric Ojo

A renowned erudite scholar and African activist, Prof. Yaa Lenge Ngemi has reiterated the need for all descendants of the African continent to support the propagation of the vision and ideals of Pan Africanism.

africa22Prof. Ngemi said generations of Africans everywhere in the world are failing because they have been denied the privilege of been taught African cultural norms, values and worldview.

Speaking while on a mission to two American cities, Alabama and Geogia to drum up support for Africans to learn the Pan African vision as envisioned by Dr. Cheik Anta Diop, he also harped on the need to strenghten the unity amongst African countries.

Describing Dr. Diop as one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, he added that the need to imbibe the Pan African vision of Dr. Diop which postulated that African culture is the basis for the political and economic unity and empowerment of African people globally, can never be over emphasised.

He also used the opportunity of addressing African descendants in the southern heartland of the United States of America (USA) to rally support for the full liberation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Prof. Ngemi who hails from the Congo and also doubles as the translator and master teacher of Dr. Diop’s book, “Civilization or Barbarism”, however expressed satisfaction and gratitude for the recent development in the DRC with the involvement of the United Nations  (UN) with African nations pushing militias and mercenaries from the Congo.

The African activist therefore urged all progressive-minded forces and institutions to continue advocating for the Congo by pressing the U.S. government to support Congolese participation in controlling their own government and wealth of resources.

He was also in the Black South as part of the World African Diaspora Union (WADU) Pan African Movement and the OAU/AU 50th anniversary campaign to unify the African Diaspora as a cultural, political and economic union with Africa. In addition, Prof. Ngemi also recently wrote the book entitled,  “Genocide in the Congo/Zaire in the name of Bill Clinton?”

Meanwhile, WADU’s work for the BaCongo or DRC, according to a press statement issued recently, is mainly a continuation of its co-founders Elombe Brath, chair and founder of the Patrice Lumumba Coalition (1960’s) and Rev. Dr. Ndugu T’Ofori-Atta. Dr. Atta served in the BaCongo region as a minister and instructor of liberation theology (1950’s). WADU was organized in 2007 to continue this type of work with a renewed and robust Pan African leadership structure to strengthen Africa and African people, in the 21st century.

As part of the 50th anniversary of the liberation movement and the March on Washington, WADU is supporting the OAU/AU Pan African and African Renaissance (PAAR) vision for a long term plan for an integrated, peaceful and prosperous Africa. However, WADU is also pushing for an immediate Pan African Government envisioned and espoused by the Honorable Marcus Garvey, President Kwame Nkrumah and other leaders like Emperor Haile Selassie, President Sekou Ture, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, and Ambassador Dudley Thompson.


For WADU, only an immediate Pan African government can empower Africa to halt efforts to re-colonize Africa, thus stopping the militarization of Africa, genocidal wars, global land grab and the new scramble for African resources. Minister Menelik called for increased support for nations such as Zimbabwe as one of the models for Pan Africanism and highlighted the governments of France, the USA, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria as some of those working against Africa’s interests.


“For more information on ways to support the DRC, attend the next Dr. Cheik Anta Diop Seminar, or participate in the WADU Pan African Movement campaign for the union of the Diaspora with Africa, please contact us at WADUPAM.ORG, wadupam@aol.com or Mr.Kofi Adjei at 678-614-9058 or Mr. Kofi Ital at 718-523-3312”, the statement added.


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