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Bomb Blasts in Rivers State: Threat to Democracy –Muslim Group

MURIC Press Release Reads in Full: 

Ahoada East High Court was bombed and set ablaze yesterday by some hoodlums. The High Court was bombed shortly before a case against Hon. Evans Bipi was due to commence. The case which was to be heard by Justice Charles Wali is to seek an injunction seeking to restrain Hon. Bipi from parading himself as the speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly.

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) is greatly alarmed by this brazen and barbaric attack on the judiciary. We recall that there had been two other bomb attacks earlier in the state. Unknown assailants had bombed the Office of the Deputy Governor of the same state on Tuesday 17th December, 2013. 24 hours later, a second bomb exploded in the office of Justice Charles Wali around 3.00 pm.

The unfolding scenario is not only frightening but senseless and disgusting. Nigeria appears torn between fanatical religionists and extremist politicians.

Once again MURIC is constrained to warn the major dramatis personae in Nigeria’s turbulent political waters to go back to the terra firma of  reason before our ship of state gets drowned.

We appeal to all stakeholders to hold the fire. We call on elders, particularly all former heads of state, to seize the initiative of reconciling the warring parties in Rivers State. We also call on all men of goodwill to do whatever they can in dousing tension in Rivers State because whatever happens there is bound to ricochet throughout the country.

Finally, we remind the presidency that posterity will not fail to see its fingers in every pie fried in the politics of Rivers State. True statesmen care more about their country and care less about bruised ego.

Professor Ishaq Akintola,
Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)
7th December, 2014


Short URL: https://www.africanexaminer.com/?p=6901

1 Comment for “Bomb Blasts in Rivers State: Threat to Democracy –Muslim Group”

  1. Do they really think the President cares? They need to think again. He does not care! Nigeria is at its worst in terms of security in the country. Jonathan’s legacy is already written!

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