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Massive Defection In Adamawa, As Former Acting Governor Dumps PDP For APC

From Agabus Pwanagba , Jos – Two-time Speaker and Former Adamawa State acting Governor, Hon James Shuaibu Barka and hundreds of his supporters have defected from the ruling PDP to the opposition APC, amidst the wrangling rocking the State chapter of the PDP.

This was made public during the campaign rally of the State APC Gubernatorial candidate, Alhaji Muhammad Jibrilla Bindow, at Gangwari Ganye’s square of Ganye Local Government Area of the State.

Receiving the new entrants, the State’s APC Chairman, Alhaji Shuaibu Yamusa, gave assurance of equal treatment and declared that their new political platform was a place where equity, justice, fairness and togetherness were highly respected.

Responding on behalf of the new members, Rt Hon. Barka said he and others left the PDP as it was operating with tenets of impunity and no single iota of truth could be found in it.

“I am not here to contest for anything but to let the world know that in the APC, you can see justice, fairness, truth and equal treatment, the only party left for the general masses while the PDP is of political betrayals and tyrants.

“I am now into a new found party of mine which I believe is the party with a good manifesto to change the country” former acting Governor maintained.



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